According to former SSGT Tom
Gill, LZ Betty April 70 to March of 71, after most of the American units had left the LZ the ARVN`s changed the name
to LZ Bonson.

Main entrance arch on January 9th 2005 |
This site is dedicated to all who served at LZ Betty from the early 1960's to the early 1970's. We came
and left at different times, but we all traveled the same paths.
If you wish to be contacted by someone you served with. At the end of your guest book message please leave your e-mail
I am trying a new link .
I believe it is all set. yours Frenchy
The entrance gate as it looked in 2005 above.
And below in 1969. Picture by Larry Morris 864th Eng.
Bryan Lagimoniere / Frenchy FNG B-Co Orderly Room March 1970

Picture taken by Joseph Long Chaplains assistant.
East side green line . 1970.
Search lite on top of Whiskey Mountain. Picture provided by Larry Morris 864th eng.
198th Medic |

198th MEDIC

Some of the assigned units: (note : Most of all those listed below have pictures on this site ! ) 2nd/7th Cav 1st Air Cav Div.- 3/506th Currahee`s 101st Abn Div 272nd MP Co support of 3/506th.- 630MP Company 363rd Aviation
Detachment (Air Traffic Control)125ATC 1st AVN BGE 192nd Assault
Helicopter, Co. 5th Bn 27th Field Artillary.- 1st Bn Mech. 50th
Inf 2nd of the 1st Cav Iffv.- 55MID.- IFFV Task Force South. 568th Medical Company.- MACV.- 254th Med (HA).- 36th Sig Bn D-Co 1st Sig Bde.- 136th
Medical Dispensary.- 191st Ordnance.- B-Co 116th Combat Eng.Bn Idaho Army National Gaurd, in support of the 192 AHC and 101st
Abn Div.- 834th Air Division-Tactical Airlift S.E. Asia Airlift Sys-73rd Engr Co (CS), 864th Engr Bn Whiskey Mt / LZ Betty.-
241st FA Radar Detachment 8th Bn (TGT.ACO)26th Arty. 183rd RAC,- 247th Med Ha Dust off, 198th Med Det Attached to 192nd AHC.-
245th PsyOp Company Attached to the 2/7th Air Cav.- 542nd Signal co.,13th Signal Bn, 1st Logistical Comand, 518th,- 4/60 ARTY dusters, -329th 570 Eng, -542ndSignal Co., 247th MRC, -14th Combat Eng.Bn- 18th Eng Brigade. A/227th
AHB & D/227th AHB 1st Cav. Div. in support of 2/7 Cav. 606th
Ammo section in support of TFS / 1st Bn 327th inf 101st Abn Div, Alpha
Batt. 1/21st. 97th Trans. Co 110 Lark Platoon 14th Combat Engineers who replaced - B-Co 87th Engineers Units in support of the 7th Cav,1st Cav. Div: A/227th Slicks, 1D/227th Guns, 228th Chinooks,
1/9th Scouts 8th Engineers, Arty , forger unit.
AB8AY - Mars Phone Calls Home, 10th Trans Bn. 155Th, Trans
co., 272 Mp. Co. 1Bn 7th Cav 1st Cav, A/227th (Slicks), 1D 227th (Guns), 228th (Chinooks), 1/9th (Scouts), 8th Engineers, Arty Forger Unit