The following USO show took place at LZ Betty on August 3rd, 1968. The following pics are used with permission from, Jerry Berry and Dust-off medic Barry Grubbs 3rd /506 , Currahee`s
101st Abn Div .
Peaches and Herb, " Shake Your Groove Thing "
We had a variety of special guests from the Uso. Often they comprised of singing groups from States or out of New Zealand.
They surely were a must needed distraction.
(The next 4 pictures below are from Larry Morris 864th Eng. )
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The Hollywood Overseas Committee & the Franz Jackson Show Fall of 69

This picture was taken just after the move down from Bong Son ( the Bong son boys ). Notice due to the change
in Assigned Units no one has attached a IFFV unit patch to the left sleve.
B-Co Co`s APC on the left.GI standing with his hands on his hip is Capt. Bob Camors B-C/O.Far left top / FO Sgt
Larry Evans. Just in front of Camors his driver Shammin Hamp.Second in from the right is Sgt Gary Summers.
The guy standing in Front of the second track in is Capt Ray Sarlin ( GI with Camera ). In the drivers seat is
Red ( Kia May 5th 1970 ). Behind him is Mike Chisam. Far left Ramon Grayson. Behind him in the back is Danny Politt. Front
center arms crossed Regis Hollihand.
3rd APC from the left highest man seated is Pisqually. And on the close up of the single apc the guy on
the left 101st patch is Stan.

Members of A Co watch the USO Show.
The Gold Coaster & The Wiley Reid Show. One of the many USO shows that traveled during 1970.

Pictured above and below is Rachael ( Rae ) Tobeck . She was 20 years old at the time of her tour.
She was sent to Vietnam from Sydney Australia. She says she would do 2 USO Shows a day visiting as many
FSB, LZ`s, as they couild fit in. Im sure we came accross her show at some point.
She says she was honored to have gone to Vietnam and it was one of the single important times in
her life !
She asked if I would post these pictures in hopes that some one would remember her.
We surely appriciated the USO Shows, and for a brief moment in time forgot about the war.

Another one from the Hollywood Overseas Committee. This was another group that performed at LZ Betty. This
time using the Seahorse Hanger at the North end of LZ Betty. Pictures are from, Dinnis Knickerbocker 3/506th 101st Abn Div.

The following are from Bob DeBoer 69-70. One of the Shows
featuring mainly Asian Performers.

The following pictures are from Jim Christopher, tour of duty was from 69
to 70. He arrived at LZ Betty about the same time the 1st
of the 50th moved down Bong Son. He was assigned
to the 864th Eng. It appears to be 2 separate shows.