The pictures below are from David Price. His tour of duty was from Nov.14,69 to Dec. 20th 1970. His MOS was 11C. He was
assigned to C-Co and also worked for a while as a sniper.
Dave Price

Aid Station

Jerry Dunn E-M club

2 pictures of the Barber Shop

Soda shop across the street from the mars station

2 shots below of batallion Hq and Aid Station

C-Company area

Vandy, Larry, and Dave

In the field

Swimming in the field. It was a way for some part time recreation and to wash up

MPC/ Funny Money

The Following pictures are from Karl Heller, His tour of duty was from 1969 to 1970. He was attached to the
LSA Phan Thiet from the 524th QM Co. (Petrolem Operating) In Cam Rahn Bay. He later rejoined the US Army and went infantry.
He retired as a first shirt in 1989.
Karl Heller LZ Betty 1970 |

Looking west toward the cemetary

Karl in Dec of 69, trying to look like a warrior with his M-79

The next 2 pictures are of a crator just outside his hootch. The picture was taken after an incoming round hit.
Sept of 1970

The following pictures are from Billy Mims. His tour of duty was from July 13th 1969 to July 12th 1970. He
was the track driver for APC # 221
Bill on track 221 |

In the field

Prep for night ambush L to R:Ron, Russel Wolf and Bill

Looking for charlie !

USO Show LZ Betty

Bill with his companion

Track # 221

This picture needs no explanation

Convoy protection

The USAF Weather guys said it averaged 147 degrees in the sun in July !

The following pictures are from Nicholas Ranals, his mos was 13A10. His tour date was from 21 April 69 to May of 1970. He
was the RTO gun one Battery, A Co 5/27th Arty. And S 3 Task Force South near the end of his tour.

Tower east side green line

Nick with one of the girls for the uso show at LZ Betty. Nick says as he was driving the girls back to HQ a 2 1/2 passed
by and went off the road.

Wayne Earley pictured here with one of the other girls who had just arrived at LZ Betty.

The following pictures are from Sgt Ronnie Scott. B-Co 3rd Plt Squad Leader. His tour of duty was from July
69 to July 70.
Picture of Sgt Ronnie Scott (R) B-Co 3rd plt. And Dave Owens
(L) pictured here at LZ Betty. Part of the group that transfered down to LZ Betty was known as the Bong Song Boys.

Pictured here is Jim Meza (KIA Friday the 13th / Feb. 1970)
on top of his APC. Jim had many friends in B-Co. He often
cut many of the GI`s hair.

Sgt Ronnie Scott`s Bible. He kept it with him in the field, he would write in it to keep track of the men in his platoon.

The following pictures are from Reenie Feltner
his tour of duty was from 1969 to 70. His mos was 11B. His home state was Kentucky.
Reenie Feltner, B-Co in the field. Local kids crowd
arround B-Co as they stop for lunch break.

Danny Pollit , B-Co first platton , Danny was also the sniper for first platoon.

Dave Parker B-Co. Daves always seemed to attrack the kids. Dave later moved to MACV with George
Lopez, Rossy Rosanno and Pete L.ylyk
