The Picture was taken by Tom Johnson.Toms tour was from 1967 to 1968.He served with Co A 227th Assault Helicopter
Bn In support of the 2nd Bn 7th regiment 1st Air Cav Div.

The following pictures are from Tom Croff. B-CO 3-506th. His tour of duty was from 1967 to 68. Some of the pictures are
from other members of his CO. that shared them with him.
North East corner of LZ Betty, looking toward Batallion Hq.

Entrance arch as it looked in 67.

Combat Assault

Chinook kicking up dust East side helipad

Sky Crane

Co B area

Company B Area

In the Field

Helipad on the west side. Tower 7 in the back ground

The following pictures are from James O. Smith. His tour of duty was from 1967 to 1969. His
MOS was 31M20 communication specialist. He supplied commo for the whole area and also operated a site at the MACV Hotel
as well. He currently lives in SE Indiana. He was asigned to Co D 36th Sig. Bn.
L to R Terry, Chuck, and James O. Smith

Pictured below is Chuck Yates .

James O. Smith beside the sign for D-Co.

LT Cooper on the left.James O. Smith ctr.

James under the CH 47 Chinook attaching a sling load

James O. Smith 36th Sig. Bn. 1967 Jim currently lives
in Indiana.
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