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The following pictures are from Bob DeBoer. He originally inlisted in the army as a 67A10, Helicopter
maint. He was selected for ATC school at Keesler AFB ms. He arrived in Vietnam on Nov 11 69 assigned to LZ Betty. He
left on Nov. 7, 1970 ( assigned to the 363rd ADD )

LZ Betty control tower. It was located beside the radar unit next to the runway.

Chieu Hoi Center located on Duong Cuong Do road along side the Ca Ty River

Access road to the beach. To the left the ARVN compound.

Republic F105D Thunderchief (Fast mover), could carry over 12,000lbs of ordnance into combat.
Conducted most of the air strikes into North Vietnam in the early part of the war

UH 1H Gunship, 192 assault helicopter co.

Phan Thiet Airfield looking toward the North East from the west side helipad

Vietnamese Disabled Veterans Association. And you thought our VA had a low budget!

Traffic in down town Phan Thiet. Not much has changed. You still see entire families on 1 motor scooter, there just hundreds
more of them.

Pilots operating hand book. Gives runway, approach info and all pertinent data on LZ Betty

One of the USO shows featuring non rounded eyed women. You can see the rest of the pictures on the USO Page.

Another nice picture of the market.

Great early am shot of the Cat Ty River.

Some pictures realy don`t need an explanation.

Cessna twin engine 337 ACFT.

The following pictures are from Johny Williams, ( Johny the Mole).His tour of Duty was from Oct 69 to Oct. 70. He was assigned
to B-Co 2nd Plt.
Johny in the drivers seat. This pictures was taken in late April by Rick Leland.

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