Pictures taken of LZ Betty by Bryan Lagimoniere in 1970. From the first week in March until Nov.70.
the 1st of the 50th was standing down I was transfered north to An Khe to finish my tour of duty.
First Field Force Division
Unit patch

B-Co area UH-1H background

West side green line and Whiskey Mountain ( Nui Ta Dom Mountain )

Cobra sweeping area west of LZ after May 3rd attack

Erosion ditch in front of Tower 7

Chinook resupply west side of LZ

Acft turn around south end of runway 07

Fisherman early am Ca Ty River

Leland from Maine B-Co

My Hootch and mess hall in the background

1st of the 50th Batallion ammo dump

Scout apc west side green line near D-Co area

Frenchy D-Co area

Brick maker downtown Phan Thiet

Cabinet maker

Kids in front of an orphanage

One of the kids who used to work on the LZ

Fish market has been in the same place for over 50 years

Ca Ty river

Fish nets

Erosion ditch by motor pool, fall 1970

Rick Leland (From Maine)& Peter S.Lylyk (From Hartford Ct.) B-Co March 1970 em club in the background


Looking NE

West side helipad near mortar platoon

Looking north toward Phan Thiet harbor

Seahorse hanger in the back ground

Frenchy and Murphy over by the mechanics hootches

Frenchy (FNG) by B-Co orderly room

Looking south from motor pool go to 2005 and see what it looks like today

Civilian workers, back ground clinic, hospital and Seahorse hanger

Chieu Hoi Center

Air Vietnam

122mm rocket attack during lunch it completely missed the LZ

Rick Leland & Pete Lylyk just after cherry school early April 1970

This is Mr John, Korean he ran the PA&E ice plant on LZ Betty. A former member of the Korean White Horse Inf Div.
He also taught Tae Kwon Do to some of us

Loach flew directly in front of our tower on the east side green line

Not many of these in Massachusetts

Beginning of monsoons, USAF weather station in the back ground

Byron Rodd (L) and Rick Leland both medivaced in July 70. Rick and Byron and I all took infantry school
together. Byron
went to the Americal div.

A mamasan was fired from HQ early in the morning. She set a time delayed charge under the ammo conex. It
blew, no one was hurt

L to R, Pete Lylyk Rick Leland, Bryan Lagimoniere/ Frenchy late March 70, cherry school with the 11arc Ben Hoa

Rosy Rosano just transfered into B-Co March of 70. His unit the Big Red One had gone back to the states. He
later transfered with Dave Parker and Pete Lylyk to MACV

Funny Money MPC ( Military Payment Certificate )

Crash on top of track N53 March 1970, B-Co area.

Crowded living conditions near the Ca Ty river

Early am on the move through Phan Thiet looking north west over the Ca Ty river bridge.

Moving along HWY 1 through Phan Thiet. It always amazed me that kids wouldbe up that early.

Back in the company area. Don Rainwater and Melvin Wadleigh
doing some maintenance on B-Co`s APC`s.

Picture provided by James Dacus. His tour of duty was from Jan of 70 to Dec of 70. Pictured are the company
dogs Gus and Lum

James Dacus on the left and Tom Clark

Just a short way from FB Sandy we got stuck in the river mud. Track #24 had come along to pull us out and it sank
in the middle. If you
look there are ppl in the water. The track has just sunk.
