The following pictures are from Duane Quello
1st of the 50th. From April to November 1970.Enter subhead content here
Duane only remembers the name Parker, could not
be sure if it was his first or last name.
Duane on the left.
Side of Whiskey Mountain, 864th Engineers base
located at the bottom of the mountain.


At a Landing Zone

Lieutenant ? with machete, cutting the LZ

C.A. Joe Kasper seated on the right in the door
of the Huey

Joe Kasper kneeling in the sand
Big John / Seaman in the blue
down time in the rear
Lieutenant on the right ?
Duane on the left, Joe Kasper in the middle
Down time in the rear
The South China Sea
Jeep driver
Unknown GI on the left Duane on the right
One of a couple erosion ditches on the east side green line
Burning up some bad ammo, live fire exercise