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The following pictures are from Reenie Feltner B-Co 1st of the 50th. His tour of duty was from march 1970 to april
of 71.
Reenie FNG early 70

l to r - unk gi, the guy in the middle with the grease
gun is " Huck " ( dont know his real name ) he was in 2nd pltoon. Reenie

Harold Green and James Powell B-Co area

EM club LZ Betty, The guy on the R with the Sgt
stripes is Gary Sinclair from NY. He went to jungle school (173rd) with David Horn. David and Gary flew home together
at the end of their tour.

Reenie, Martin, and John Seeman

jeep stuck in the sand at the beach

Vietnamese kids following the APC`s

Black Beauty from Tennessee, that was his nick name. dont know his actual name ?

Vietnamses hut.

John Seeman and unknown GI.

LT from B-Co dont remember his name.

Mail call B-Co Orderly Room

Writing home.

Donut Dollies ! American Red
Cross volunteers.

Souvenir shop on LZ Betty

Unknown GI .

Firing range just outside the LZ. Burning up some bad ammo. Duane Quello on the m-60
