The following pictures are from Peter Spacek from his return trip to Phan Thiet in 2008.
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The old cemetary that lined both side of the road leading up to LZ Betty. Duong Tran Quy Cap road is in much disrepair
as well as the cemetary. Most of the grave have been moved to the new cemetary.
Most of the graves have been moved to the cemetery in N. Phan Thiet.

Coming up the old access road looking toward the old ARVN compound.

Some one has occupied the ARVN compound. In 2005 it was not in use.

The next 3 pictures show the old entrance arch and a warning sign. Up until recently some returning vets were met
here by and armed gaurd. But it is no longer a restricted area.

Looking south down runway 07 toward Budha Mountain and the south end of LZ Betty.

Old tarmat area north end of the runway.

Looking north toward the old PA&E Ice Plant , base chapel area.

Near the entrance arch looking up to were the base Chapel stood.
Looking toward Phan Thiet from the Arch. The MP gate and check point
was just to the left of those buildings. The road that went down to the beach is now just a foot path.
Peter standing by the arch.
As late as 2004 they had armed guards here to prevent anyone from going on
post. Some of the people who have been back to the LZ in the earlier years were stopped by armed guards and told they
could not go on to the base.