LARC ( Lighter Amphibous Resupply Cargo ) was 35 ft long. It traveled 35mph over land and 9 mph in the water. Was also used
by the 630MP company at Betty.

Larry Morris on the beach tearing appart an old fishing boat.
The 864th had 2 LARC`s assigned to them.

2 pictures of LST with LZ betty in the back ground. pictures taken from the back of a CH 47.

The next 2 pictures are of Whiskey Mountain. The one bellow show the 864th area at the base
of Whiskey MT.

On August 19th , 1969 the 687th Engineers along with the 3/506th 101st Abn Div. cut a 400
foot wide path directly through Le Hong Phong Forest to deny the VC cover.

Lone Lambretta on the old highway 1, before paving began.

Comanding officer of 864th Engr`s at the MP check point at LZ Betty, the civilians are advisers.

Larry lived here in one of the new bunkers at the edge of the compound.

Larry`s shop van was usually towed from one location to another. He flip flopped between Whiskey Mountain and LZBetty.

Larry`s shop van being towed off the LST at Phan Thiet beach.

West side green line, Fa / Radar detachment and the home of 5th of the 27th Arty.

Main entrance to LZ Betty, IFFV and 101st 3/506th are the main occupants of the LZ. Just to the right top of the hill is
bunker 1. Just to the right of the mp check point is the civillian check point.

3rd / 506th 101st Abn Div. LZ Betty 1970 returning from the Cambodian Invasion.

The sign reads in Vienamese Phan Thiet 4 kilometers.

Track # 12853668 or 688 IFFV`s Scout Platoon. The following pictures below show the 1/50th on the move toward night fall
down Hwy 1.

Scouts on the west side green line.

Rounding the south end of LZ Betty.

M48A1 Patton, had a crew of 4. Weight 48 tons, earlier models had a 90 mm tank gun. Later models added a 105 mm gun. Was
powered by either a continental gas or diesel engine.

M18 Claymore landmine. Consisted of 700 steel balls back by 1 1/2 lb of C-4, if that was not enough someone decided to add
some 7.62 M-60 rounds.

Heading to Phan Thiet from Nha Trang.

Base Hospital not far from the helipad and seahorse hanger.

Monument to a French Battle that took place in Bihn Thuan Province near Phan Thiet. Here stands a French Panhard 178B Armored
Car. It was equipted with a 47mm SA35 gun and a machine gun. It was used in most French Colonies.

Qurious kid or Viet Cong !

Market Down Town Phan Thiet.

Coming arround the west side greenline, bunker 8 and tower 7.

Bunker 2


View of the POW Camp.

Ariel view of the Ca Ty River, in the back ground you can see the Trung Trac Road running along
the river. You can also see Duong Tran Quy Cap road leading up to LZ Betty.

To the right of the house you can see some railroad cars. The house has been riddled with bullets.

Duster parked in revetment.

This is what it looks like when a 5ton hits a land mine.

ARVNs taking a break. A comon site. This picture was up in Na Trang.

Looking down from Whiskey Mountain.

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